Most Powerful Seduction Techniques (Don't Dare To Miss) - Lovedit : Relationship App

Most Powerful Seduction Techniques (Don't Dare To Miss)

Seduction Techniques

Have you ever seen a girl that you are attracted to? Don’t you wish you had seduction techniques to seduce women with?

Most Powerful Seduction Technique
Most Powerful Seduction Technique

She is stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, and delectable. You desperately want to meet her. You know that you have to make the first approach. Then all of a sudden, fear replaces the excitement of seeing her. This fear can be so debilitating so as to paralyze any attempt to approach her. Time passes, all of a sudden it’s not that important to meet her. Game over!!!

Seduction techniques are ways of overcoming this fear. Having a systematic way to approach her makes it easier to overcome this fear.

There are many different schools of thought as to how to break the ice with her. They will be discussed in this section of the website.

So next time you see that girl, being able to approach her gives you an opportunity to meet her. Not approaching her means that you have next to zero chance of meeting her. Game on!!!

Understanding women:

Understanding women:

Men and women have totally different ways of communicating. There are physical and psychological reasons for this.

If you understand the way she thinks, the way she feels and the way she reacts in certain situations you will be able to

Set up this situation

Use seduction techniques to create a win/win result for both of you

Even though we are all unique individuals, we tend to react in a similar ways when in similar situations. For instance, when your football team wins, you react with joy. Understanding that women react a certain way will make it easier to approach seduce and date them.

There are many seduction techniques you can use. Some of these techniques include

  • Negging
  • Peacocking
  • Opinion Openers
  • Social Proof

Imagine if you have just met that girl that you like. Game is on, she is playing. She wants you to seduce her. She wants to feel that exhilaration of winning. And in her mind that winning is submitting to your charms. Do you have the seduction techniques to see it through to the seduction?



When I learned about negging – some of this was so foreign to me that in my wildest dreams I would never have thought that negging was a strategy when approaching girls.

‘Don’t touch what you can’t afford.’ This is a seduction technique that I thought would never work, was rude and at best would result with a slap across the face. This was till I tried it. And wow, the effect it had almost blew me away and totally changed the attitude of the girl I was trying to seduce as well as her friend. I went from being one of the looser guys at the pub to someone of interest.


Before I knew anything about the game, one night I was so cold I would have wore anything to keep warm. What I found was a cape, like Dracula. I was in a nightclub and the only person who had any resemblance of an outrageous dress sense. When I needed to go to the toilet, as I was walking through the dance floor a girl came up to me and told me that I looked so cool.

My immediate response was to invite her under my cape. We started kissing immediately and this was also the start of a 7 year relationship. I hadn’t heard of peacocking back then. Now, in hindsight, I can see how it worked. For my story on peacocking, click here!

Opinion opener:

Then I used the simple opinion opener with my current girlfriend. I had been using opinion openers for a while, some with success and more without success. But it worked on this occasion.

Social Proof:

And more recently, I used social proof to pick up a group of girls. Why is it that when one girl shows her interest for you, a whole lot more come out of the wood works. And the better looking, the more comes your way. Seinfeld had a classic episode when George carried around a picture of a model to pick up girls.

Just understanding social proof as a seduction technique, how to apply it when approaching girls will improve your success.

Other pick up lines:

When I look back at some of my successes, I can’t believe some of the seduction techniques and lines that have worked for me.

When I used to frequent the more wild clubs, my approach was simply to ask the girl if she would be offended if I were to talk to her. When she said no, which was in every case, I had been given permission from her to talk to her.

Or as one of my new favorites, I just sit down at the table with a group of girls, look into their eyes and wait for them to start talking to me. This uncomfortable silence in every case has her talk to me first. Works like a charm.

Here is the secret:

My favorite is when inspiration takes over. When something just comes out and you don’t know where it came from. For instance, ‘My god, you have just washed your hair. Who would have ever thought a line like that would work. Well it did. I dated this girl for nine months.

More often than not, when asked what I did to get the girl, my response is I can’t remember. My unconscious purveyed the environment, assessed the situation and inspiration took over.

But here is the secret. The more often you approach girls, the more often this inspiration comes to you.

When this happens you are in the zone. It’s an awesome feeling when you are in the zone because things just happen so easily. Things just work out, you don’t even know what is working, it just is.

Being in the zone is what it is like to have a natural game. If you are not a natural, then the goal is to be in the zone as often as possible.

Finding your soul mate, even though you haven't yet met

Your soul mate is constantly looking for you. They crave your particular body shape, your age and personality.

To find your soul mate you need to reveal yourself, however the majority of people do the opposite and hide their most attractive features. To find out more as to how your soul-mate-finds-you. (link)

How To Turn Your Girl Friend Into Your Lover by using seduction techniques?

How To Turn Your Girl Friend Into Your Lover by using seduction techniques?

You have a girlfriend who you go out with all the time. You love being with her. You want to be with her. The only problem is that she doesn’t want to.

She uses you as a shoulder for her to cry on. She tells you all men are bastards. She tells you how she has been wronged by all these men. And you agree with her. You are trying to seduce her by being the nice guy.

But this doesn’t work. The nice guy doesn’t work on her. She is not attracted to this. If she was she would already be going out with you.

you use all seduction techniques to turn your girlfriend into your lover.

Being Led Astray After She Expresses Interest In Your, And Then She Dumps You

One of the most frustrating things that can happen is she’s showing a lot of interest in you. The communication goes beyond friendship and into seduction mode. Every part of her is indicating that she wants to progress the interaction.

Just when you’re ready for the seduction, she dumps you like as a sack of potatoes.

Find out why she does this and what she gains from doing this. There are seduction techniques to progress the seduction instead of being led astray. (link)

If You Want To Seduce Women, You Need To Have Value To Them

The only reason a girl will ever go with you is that you have value for her. Value comes in many different forms, so it's important to understand your value proposition if you want to seduce women.


Frequently asked questions

What are the signs of seduction?

  • The art of playing with your hair. 
  • The wrist gesture. 
  • A matter of distance.
  • The loving index fingers. 
  • The glasses are on the tip of the nose. 
  • The hand on the shoulder. 
  • A resemblance game.

What are seductive words?

  • alluring
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • bewitching
  • captivating
  • charismatic
  • charming
  • elfin

What are the Best Seduction Books ?

  • The Art of Seduction link
  • The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists link
  • Models: Attract Women Through Honesty link
  • The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed link
  • No More Mr. link